YouTuber Insider Secrets ~ I wish I knew before I was a YouTuber
Ever wanted to know the insider secrets of the Youtube world? Is it Fab or Drab? Over the years I gained a lot of valued experience as a YouTuber that I wished or would love to have known beforehand. But Hey! That is what experience is right? The actual process!
So I wanted to share with you some of YouTuber Insider Secrets tips that I learned along the way that does not get said too much.
As a YouTuber, there are great, joyful, challenging, tearful days but always blessed days. To have a platform that you share the things that you love and enjoy with friends that come back, again and again, is truly a blessing and something to be thankful for.
So today I am sharing some YouTuber Insiders tips if you ever decide to create your own platform in the future or if you are new to the YouTube world that this may be helpful for you.
1. There are certain videos that drive more traffic such as DIYs, Gaming, Makeup tutorials and etc. Figure out how which of those types of videos that can be incorporated into your channel.
On my channel, for example, I enjoy doing DIYs the entire process is a stress reliever for me. It gets my creative juices flowing. It is easy for me and Oh the passion is REAL!! Love it!
2. Don’t battle within yourself (something made up in your head)
I remember feeling like I did not belong because I was not a certain age or I did not do only a certain type of videos. For instance, I was a Dollar Tree hauler but I love home decor and because I loved to decorate with those items sometimes I felt like I was not taken seriously with the Dollar Tree haulers, Home Decorators or even DIYers because I did a little all of those on my channel.
Now looking back on it; I had a battle in my head! No one told me this, it was all in my head! Do not let made up battles hold you back from creating your content and being the very best you that you were created to be!!
3. Be true and genuine
People can read right through you when you not being genuine. It may come out in when you are venting or just your simple behavior on or off camera. Your subscribers watch everything that you do and trust me they can tell!
4. Don’t feel like you have to follow the crowd or what everyone else is doing
It may or may not help your channel…
Why do planner videos, DIYs or haul videos when that is not really your thing or what your audience wants to necessary see from you? They were drawn to you for a reason simply because they loved something about you!
5. Do not be afraid to try something new
If your interests are changing do not be afraid to try something new. I have a love for crafts and planners because I really enjoy them. Now I share those things on my channel, mainly through hauls but I was not worried about the what if’s because I genuinely liked them. My audience could tell that in my delivery which makes more new people drawn to those types of videos that I create. Do not be afraid to shift a little! Am sure with your amazing content and personality they will shift right along with you.
6. Networking with other creators
It is so important to support other creators. You can show that support by leaving a comment or liking their posts or videos. That creator may have thousands of YouTube subscribers but trust me when I say they notice who always supports their channel, this is very important if you trying to grow your channel as well. I have to work on this myself since I have been working Full-time outside the home now. It is tough to comment and watch everyone’s videos or content but make sure you do it when you are able too.
Also the more you comment on that particular channel your comment will be listed closer to the top which makes other people see your channel and possibly gained more subscribers. But again you want to do this all genuinely because your audience and theirs can read right through you. Although you do not want to spam their comments sections with links, follow for a follow or any unnecessary information. Believe it or not, the comments like that get sent to their spam or held in the review inbox and we certainly do not want it sitting in never, never land. Your lovely comments need to be seen and shown to your favorite creator.
7. Take the high road but don’t be a doormat
There were so many times I wanted to fuss out someone for saying something rude or ugly in my comments section. Once I did! Then I realized that they were just going keep going back and forth with me. Once I stopped they stopped. Now I just brush it off and keep moving on! Nevertheless do not be a doormat and allow anyone to come into your space and mess up your positive energy. It is your channel and space! You have control over what happens in your space. Keep it Positive!
8. Use that block or delete button
One thing I do not mind doing is using that block or delete button with the quickness! For myself personally, I am not worried about my subscriber’s friends numbers that much that am afraid to block one troll.
I suggest going to their page blocking them first and delete their comment if you choose. Many of times your followers or subscribers may possibly go off on them for you, so why not just leave it up.
10. Don’t get caught up in your feelings
Have you noticed creators are always upbeat and full of energy? Well, it is not easy to do many of days. I remember going through some personal stuff that just zapped all of my energy and fun out of me. Of course, we are humans things happen every day in our lives but somehow when I turn that camera on for me it fades away for a few minutes. I am sure it is the same way for other creators, it just becomes natural and soon it will for you too.
If you simply do not feel like filming that particular day just try again when you do. Your subscribers would never know, trust me, I know! Your delivery is everything!
11. Do not compare yourself to another Creator
I did this a lot when I first started my channel, I drove myself crazy!
I did not understand why…
Was I not able to keep my house spotless?
Why was I not able to get so much done in a day?
The list was endless of why’s?
Then one day I realized that I had a small child that had toys all over the house. Two independent children that were able to clean up after themselves but did not half of the time. A husband that was exhausted from work, so that meant he is going to drop any and everything wherever.
Whereas they may have grown, less or no children.
Not to mention they may be married, single or incomes levels could be totally different.
That all makes a difference in our lives.
So stop comparing yourself to someone whose life is way different from yours!
12. Don’t take it personally!
It is so easy to take it personally as a creator when another creator does not reply back or brush you off when you may have tried to reach out to them. If you did not get an invitation to a collaboration or if they did not shout you out for whatever reason.
Do not take it personally!
Sometimes it may be on purpose or it may not be. We all get busy and have personal things going on in our lives. You never know what may be going on with the other person’s lives. I know twice I recalled my internet service was acting crazy and it affected me until I was not sure if I was going to be able to join in a YouTube collaboration. Without someone knowing their whole situation it is so easy to take it personally on why someone may not be able to join in on their amazing collaboration but sometimes life happens and it out of that creator’s control.
So do not take everything personally!
13. Don’t get caught up in spending money
When I first started my channel I went crazy in the Dollar Tree!
It was fun but what was not fun seeing the items that I never got around to using just sitting their weeks then months later. You can have an awesome channel without ever hauling a thing. I hear other YouTubers mentioned how they feel like their numbers will go up if they did Dollar Tree hauls or etc.
Let me tell you, I only haul because it is easier for me due to having a toddler that once was an infant when I started my channel. It plain and simple as well, since am going to the store why not share what I picked up in the process. Because of that, I have grown an audience around that which works for me now in the present, but in the future do not be afraid to switch it up if need be.
Keep your coins!
It will always be something new. Something that you just have to have. I tell myself that when I am shopping for craft items….It Is Just Stuff! Although that stuff made me happy in the present I kicked myself my first year on YouTube. I spent so much at Dollar Tree….Yes! Dollar Tree that we canceled our Sandals Jamaica trip. I spent most of our flight money, so that was a lesson from me!
Also, many YouTubers receive free items or money to purchase certain items. I also learned the tough way when I purchased some shoes that were totally not my style…well sort of….I needed to lose a few pounds before they were comfortable. I had these shoes that I did not wear and ended up giving them away. It would have been different if I just did not purchase them off of impulse.
Do not get caught up! Everyone’s incomes, budgets, wallets, and sacrifices are different….again do not compare.
14. Try not to focus on the numbers!
High views and subscriber count means everything in the Creator world, Right?! Yeah, it does!
Nevertheless, building your loyal friends slowly pays off in the long run. The shenanigans that some creators go through because their channel may have grown overnight can be a headache. I always feel like slow and steady builds a loyal group of friends that support you to the very end. It also allows you time to get familiar with YouTube, improvements and your audience whereas you don’t get overwhelmed with the changes so quickly.
15. When that camera turns off
It is so easy to get caught up in how another person or creator lives their life through YouTube or camera. Honestly speaking you do not know what goes on when that camera goes off.
I really did not realize this until one day my husband pointed out to me that you do not know how someone’s life is once they turn that camera off. I remember comparing and being frustrated with a few things. Looking back… I wish I remembered what it was now. After he said that was when I realized that he was absolutely right!
16. Someone just may take your idea
Be prepared that someone may take your ideas and run with it, Hunny! It is one thing to get inspired and create something similar or totally different. Hopefully, the creator gives credit for the idea or inspiration. Many of times this does not happen, whether it is a larger creator not crediting the smaller creator or vice versa. Especially when it comes to Pinterest I seen it so many times were a YouTuber may have taken an idea from a blogger and no credit is given. Hopefully, they reached out to them in advance…..hopefully.
Always remember there is only one you! They can copy or imitate but there is only one you! Never forget that!
Although, really everything has been done before in some shape, form or fashion and we are just bringing it back to the surface.
Do not worry about it just keep going!
17. Do not worry about everyone liking you
There is someone for everyone even in the vast world of Ours. Some will not like you just because of who you are! Some will not like you because they do not understand why everyone else does. Just Be You and they will love you for you!
18. Gaining wonderful friends
I have gained some wonderful friends over the years that I simply can not wait until we meet in person one day. To have the support of others who have the same interests as you makes you feel like you belong to a group of like-minded people. It certainly comes in handy when you hit a roadblock or discouragement sets in.
Many of my new friends support me more than people that I know in my everyday life. That understanding, bond, and sisterhood is an amazing feeling!
Wow! Now you can say if I knew all these things day one it would have been so useful and saved me some confusion along the way. Nevertheless learning these things along the way is apart of growth and experience as a YouTuber creator. If you are thinking of creating a YouTuber channel or social media platform I hope these YouTuber Insider Secrets are helpful for you. Do not be afraid! It is an entire world out there waiting to hear and see your talents, passions, and inspirations. SO GO GET IT!!