Finding true happiness is simple! Many people try to complicate where happiness comes from and they never truly find it.
To cut straight to the chase happiness is found through knowing God and knowing that it comes from within through him. See, I told you that it was that simple! But it is the process that everyone seems to not really grasp.
And I think I know why….it just seems like a bunch of mumbo jumbo when you haven’t really had any life experiences, knowledge, or spent time with God. I know!
Let me explain…
We search for happiness with money, a relationship, marriage, car, new house, baby, career, degrees, weight loss, successful business, material things, hating on others and etc. Only to realize that we are still unhappy and miserable.

Knowing God
Knowing that God is your ultimate source of happiness is the key to lifelong happiness and joy. I know that you are asking, well how exactly can I start to gain happiness. I asked myself that plenty of times because I knew that my happiness came from the Lord, I heard this since I was a little girl. but how?!
You have to spend time with him, read/study your Bible, talk with him, pray to him just like a friend and he will begin to place happiness, joy, and peace down on the inside. The more you do this, the more you want to do it! It is certainly one of those things that have to be experienced and can not be fully explained but it is certainly worth the experience.
When you spend time with God he will start to reveal things to you, such as his goodness and promises. When you begin to read and study the Word of God it begins to take root in your heart and soul. His Word will begin to speak loudly when you are sad, depressed, and unhappy.

Once you start to consistently read and focus on what God promises you and the Word in the Bible; (scriptures, for example, Don’t worry about anything; instead, PRAY about Everything ~ Philippians 4:6) will begin to leap off of the page and resonate with your heart and mind.
Because you have been feeding your spirit with God’s Word it starts to take form in your life and have more meaning… every day. Trust me!
Happiness Within
Now when I say it comes from within…I am not talking about your own capabilities without God or within the Universe. I am talking about having happiness already down on the inside from God. He has already given us everything that we need.
It is through life experiences, challenges, and tribulations we forget about God, his word, the promises, and that he has given us everything that we need through him.
When we forget we can ask God to remind us. Ask him to help us figure out why am I feeling this way?! Believe it or not, He will show us what is the root cause of our unhappiness.
It may be too much social media, searching for validation, or focusing on all of the wrong areas in life. I have done it so many times and found myself empty and disappointed. But when I realized that all I have to do is tap into my connection with Jesus Christ and figure out the root of the cause. I can not help but not get overwhelmed with unhappiness.

We can find enjoyment in so many things! Although those things are lovely and enjoyable the happiness for those things is only temporary. Once we have Jesus in our lives and know him, (more than just knowing about him) that is when true happiness comes.
If we never find it within him we will go searching to the ends of the earth looking for it. Looking for it within a person, relationship, alcohol, drugs, career, social status/media, material things, jealousy about others, trips, cars, a baby…the list goes on and on. This never-ending cycle of searching is exactly (how it will feel like in your spirit) until you truly get to know him.
Spend time with God
Talk with God
Pray with God
Meditate on Him and His Word
Study and Read God’s Word
Listen to the Word of God given through others
Seek him for him Every, Single Day!
Once you do these things, it gets easier and easier. It becomes a habit! You begin to yearn to be close to him. And that happiness will begin to drop down on the inside of you!
Have you heard that song: This joy down on the inside, the world didn’t give it to me and the world can not take it away! Absolutely true!!

I know not too long ago, I felt defeated over something that happened. I am so used to getting upset and having a pity party. Well, this day I was getting in the shower and I wanted to let out a good old cry.
Well, chile…I couldn’t even cry because I have been feeding my mind and spirit with God’s Word that it started to take form in my heart. I remembered all of the scriptures that resonated with me and I had nothing but joy, peace, and happiness.
When you find it with God and it takes root in your soul no one can take it away. We may forget from time to time but just place your hand over your chest and ask God to help you to release it. And he will!
I will end with this: But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matt 6:33 NIV
Let that sink in!
There Is Always Hope!