For many years I wanted to stock up to have food and essentials on hand for our family. Each year would go by and I would put it off, again and again, Some years we would get by without having a food stockpile during a major hurricane and we came out okay.
Although we got by year after year, I was tired of getting by and I wanted our family to be prepared.
Reasons Why
Knowing your reasons why you want to stockpile or become a prepper will keep up you going and motivated. Gathering essentials for your family can be time-consuming and exhausting at times. Although the benefits, in the long run, are well worth it!
Do you want to be prepared in case of a financial emergency, job loss, natural disasters, pandemics or etc.?
So many times I found myself not prepared for hurricane season and ice storms that we are custom to in our state. The frustration of not being able to find bottled water, candles, or batteries is all too much to handle during those times.
Ultimate Prepper Pantry Workbook | 37 Pages – How To Build A Prepper Pantry Guide | Emergency Preparedness – Planner – DIGITAL DOWNLOAD

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Prepper Pantry Storage
Find a space in your home that you can use to store your food and essentials from wet, moist, humid, hot, or freezing temperatures.
Personally, I store our food and essentials inside our home in our laundry room and hallway upstairs. Before we moved to our current home we had a large kitchen and our food items in the kitchen on three sets of shelves.
I really wish I had a picture of my old food stockpile to share. It was pretty neat!!
Find a corner or space in your home where if you put a shelf to the side it will not be in the way of foot traffic with your family.
Use a cabinet that doesn’t have much use in your home or kitchen. If it is possible to purchase a cabinet for extra storage.
A sturdy shelf is always an affordable and quick option. For my cleaning and personal care essentials shelf, I am in love with my Muscle Rack shelves. They do not bend and bow in the middle from all of the heavyweight of the products.

Find Prepper Pantry Resources & Tips
Just a few months ago I had no idea what prepper pantry was. I knew what a grocery stockpile was but did not know what a prepper pantry was.
I watched a video on YouTube on the Simply Cherie channel about how she had her food essentials for her family’s prepper pantry stockpile. Loved her ideas and wanted to do the same for my family.
After her video so many more prepper pantry videos came up and how to stock them for beginners. I was intrigued with interest!
There are so many resources that are out there to help educate us about how to start and create a prepper pantry such as:
- YouTube
- Blogs
- Books
- Facebook Groups
- Books: Prepper’s Pantry: Build a Nutritious Stockpile to Survive Blizzards, Blackouts, Hurricanes, Pandemics, Economic Collapse, or Any Other Disasters and A Year Without the Grocery Store: A Step by Step Guide to Acquiring, Organizing, and Cooking Food Storage
I created a video on how my beginner prepper pantry looks you can watch it below:
Stock up On With The Basics and Essentials
Stock up with basic essentials that you and your family need. Also, keep in mind items that your family enjoys eating. Stocking up on items that you and your family do not care to eat would not be beneficial or enjoyable if we’re not able to get to the store for a longer period of time.
Some essentials that every prepper needs to start with is:
- Water
- Non-perishables
- Pasta
- Rice
- Crackers
- Powdered Milk
Where To Purchase Foods, During This Current Time
One of my go-to stores to purchase affordable groceries is Aldi without having to clip not one coupon. Due to current events, there are limits on many items.
My Aldi store has a limit of 4 canned goods which can be a challenge if you are trying to stock up fairly quickly. Because of the limit, I would try to make a trip every week and stock on those things that have limits. If you go out more often please take precautions and be safe.
Take advantage of services such as Instacart or Shipt to do the shopping for you if you do not want to go out to the stores or feel like lugging groceries.
With these services, you may pay a little more but it may be worth it to save your back, keep yourself safe and healthy. Most of you save time!
Just be sure to tip the Instacart or Shipt shopper well if you are requesting heavy items. As a shopper myself, we are able to see orders beforehand and some shoppers gripe about heavy low-pay tippers. Just FYI!
Club memberships stores like Sams Club, BJ’s, and Costco are also great stores to help you build your emergency and survival prepper pantry
Couponing Great Way to Stockpile
Couponing is a great way to add to your prepper pantry. Before I knew what a prepper pantry was years ago our family had a coupon stockpile. That grocery food stockpile sustain us when we didn’t have grocery money for that particular week. Certainly a lifesaver!!
Right now we are in unpredictable times and I know that having a prepper pantry/stockpile helps me feel a little calm with everything going around us.

Getting back into couponing after years of taking a long break has been fun but also a small learning curve. But within a few days or weeks, our family’s stockpile begin to grow quickly…during the pandemic (I started a few weeks before everything hit the fan).
Some of my favorite new stores to coupon are CVS, Dollar General, and Walgreens. I also loved them because it is really easy to social distance in their stores, which is really important during this time.
I found lots of helpful information on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook groups. On these platforms, I was able to pick up tips and helpful information to help get the ball rolling.
I have several couponing videos below that you can watch to help get you started:
Just within the last couple of months picking up items here and there. We have been able to create a prepper pantry and stockpile for our family so can you.
Take your time and find the best deals!
Prepping and couponing stocking piling can be overwhelming when looking at it from the starting line but learning a little by little will get you on your way.
Seeing your working progress helps you see the finish line. Giving you Hope and some peace for yourself and your family’s future.