Glam and Elegant Dollar Tree Centerpiece
There is simply nothing better than creating your own centerpieces or DIY creation for your event or party. It is the best of both worlds! Saving money and getting those creative juices flowing creating something unique just for your celebration.
For my cousin’s bridal shower, I found these elegant and glam centerpieces on Pinterest. As a Dollar Tree addict; I knew I could create that same centerpiece for her bridal shower just by observation. Thankfully I could because there were no instructions on how to, so I created my own with a twist.
Let me share with you how I created her elegant but super simple centerpiece. Oh, did I mention it was all mainly from Dollar Tree! Yes, Dollar Tree!
Materials needed:
- E6000
- 3 Glass candlestick holders (from Dollar Tree)
- 1 glass bowl (from Dollar Tree)
- 1 glass plate (from Dollar Tree)
- Window cleaner or Rubbing Alcohol with a paper towel (to remove labels)
- Sponge brush
- Mod Podge
- Glitter (I like to get mine from Walmart but Dollar does sell glitter)
- Flowers (of your choice) *Flowers shown in picture are from Walmart
- Wire cutters
- Floral foam (flat white circle type from Dollar Tree)
- Hot Glue Gun and Glue Sticks
- Polyurethane Spray
- A string of pearls or jewel pieces
- First, you want to start with removing the labels from all your glass pieces. It best to let the solution sit on for a couple of minutes so that it will come off much easier.
- Then wipe the tops and the bottom rims of the candlestick holders with window cleaner or rubbing alcohol to make sure it securely sticks to the surfaces
- Take two of your candle holders and glue the two smallest ends together with the E6000 glue. Those two should be glued together where you have one wide end at the top and bottom.
- Then you’re going to take the bottom of your last glass candle holder that you have not used as of yet and glue that to the wide end of your candle holder that you glued together already.
- Let it dry overnight or if you on the wild side like me and go for it! Began with the next step. (All my others I did wait but for my last one I did not)
- So, you should have one complete, tall 3 stacked glass candle stick holders, ready to add your bowl and plate
- Next, you are going to take your glass plate and trace the inner circle with the E6000 glue. If you are more comfortable with outlining the bottom wide end with the E6000 glue (a better guide) then add it to the center of the plate.
- Then you can allow it to dry before adding the bowl to the top if you would like. Make sure when you are adding the plate or the bowl that is centered and aligned. Once the E6000 glue begins to dry, you will not be able to remove it.
- At the very top, you are going to add your glass bowl. It is best to outline the (small end) of the candle holder. You may want to hold it in place for a few seconds.
- Let it dry overnight.
- For an added twist, I added Mod Podge. Just take your sponge to apply to small sections at a time because you do not want the Mod Podge to dry before you apply your glitter.
- Once you applied a nice coating to a section you can then sprinkle on the glitter or dab some on your sponge brush to apply. Once it dries it will not be as cloudy and dry clear. Make sure not to apply too much or it will not be as transparent.
- Once that dries you can then start to add your flowers.
- Add the floral foam inside the bowl. It is up to you if you would like to outline the outer portion of the foam to secure it better.
- Cut your flowers from the main stem, leave about 4 to 5 inches
- Once added you can add the flowers working your way on the outside to the inside.
- Then you can add pearls or jewel pieces to the rim of the bowl where they can hang from the bowl. With the pearls I draped them and the faux jewels I just glued with E6000 one end so that it could hang.
*Please see the video for more added details and easier budget friendly Glam and Elegant party décor.
Adding a few pieces from Dollar Tree gave me the elegant, glam, custom and budget-friendly centerpiece I was looking for with her shower. You should try this for yourself! It is a simple and cost-efficient for your next amazing event.