Creating a home that you want to come home to is a dire need in today’s society. A safe place for ourselves, spouses, children, and other family members to feel at peace and express themselves freely from the world.
In order to do that we must have a faith-filled home that has the principles and a foundation of God. I want to share with you how you can create a Godly home that reflects the love of the kingdom of God that he wants us to have with one another here on earth. The importance of a Christian home and how to build a Godly home as a woman and man of Christ.
I pray that the scriptures throughout the post, plant a seed into your spirit on what is a Christian home.
By wisdom a house is built, through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures. Proverbs 24:3 NIV

To begin with, we must have PEACE. Peace is so important to have in our homes. I want you to think of ALL of the things that do not bring peace to your home. Write those things down on a sheet of paper, then write down the things that you can do to eliminate those stressors.
Some of those things may be clear as day and others may be a huge pill to swallow for yourself and/or others. For example, yelling…are the kids yelling and screaming? Or maybe you are yelling and screaming? And the children are just mirroring what they hear and that is how they are learning to communicate with one another.
Yelling, fussing and screaming can create a non-peaceful home. The home is loud, no one hears one another. All that you may hear is just the tone, guests may not want to visit, have difficulty resting, and more.
Other things you may want to think about: What is watched on Television, what is said in your home, and what is done in your home.
I understand that we want to do what we want to do in our homes. But we have to ask ourselves will God be pleased?! Are these things that we are doing in our homes creating a Godly home and environment for our children to set for their children because if we like it or not our children are taking notes.
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 NIV

Teaching One Another About God, Jesus and The Bible
Learning and incorporating the teachings of God, Jesus Christ and the Bible is a must in order to have a Godly home that stands on Faith.
There are many ways to teach one another about Faith in the home here are just a few.
For example:
- Daily Devotions – Reading a daily devotion together as a family and talking to one another about what it meant to them can get a different and deeper revelation from the devotions. Downloading the Bible App that is free or the Daily Bread app is great to start!
- Bible Study – Set a side a family Bible Study night, twice a month. Make it fun, inviting , incorporate games and rewards. The kids will look forward to learning more about the Word of God but the ultimate reward is the knowledge of God’s Word. Aye!!
- Music – Play faith based music in the car, throughout the house while cleaning, getting ready for church (My Mommy use to do all of these things, so grateful for that) and family gatherings.

Gospel Music Workout PlayList | Music That Will Make You Dance, Cry and Exercise To
Reacting When Your Upset With Your Spouse
Warm & Loving Environment
What is a home without warmth and love?! God and Jesus were all about love! Having a Godly home should always be about love. Doing things in and out of love for one another and others that do not live with us.
For many different people, showing love comes in different forms. Whether it is a hug, a kiss, a kind word, encouragement, making dinner, bringing home a paycheck, cleaning, a back rub, watching television together or etc. Love comes in different forms.

Because it comes in different forms we may experience one form and neglect the other. We may need a hug but instead, the bills were paid. We may need a word of encouragement but instead, just watch TV together quietly.
It is important that we communicate with one another and feel safe doing so without judgment.
Give someone that hug, if you need a hug because maybe that will let them know. Hey! I haven’t given them a hug in a long time and I noticed that they really like hugs.
I noticed that one of my parents is more affectionate than the other. They always have been! So I started giving my Momma more hugs as a teenager before bed. My Daddy always gives out hugs when you greet him.
As I got older I noticed a pattern: My Dad’s side of the family hugged each other more. And my Mom’s side did not. That didn’t mean one loved us less. It just became a pattern for them growing up. It may have been their personalities or simply their upbringing. If I wasn’t careful, those patterns could also affect how I reacted with my children.
This had me thinking!
How often did I hug my children once they got too big for me to hold or became just as tall as myself?
How often did I tell them that I loved them?
I did things all of the time for them out of love but what about telling them verbally. Now text messages are great but hearing the words leaves a greater impression.

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Prayer should be the foundation of your Godly home. As a family, many of us go through tests and trials in our day-to-day lives. In order to combat our tribulations, we have to fight in the spiritual rim with prayer.
Praying for safety, protection, a sound mind, health, just getting through the day and so much more. We have to come to God in prayer when we can not fight the battles ourselves and give it to God in prayer. The book Fervent prayer was truly a blessing to me and I think you will enjoy it too (although the title has a woman’s guide on it, the book stands for men as well).
When we pray God hears us, even when we feel like he doesn’t…HE DOES! Our children see our routines and patterns of prayer in our lives as parents.
There are times when my children walk in on me laying across my bed in prayer or one of them asking if I am ok? That particular day I may have decided to pray in the living room or anywhere out of the blue with my head bowed.
I received amazing advice years ago when it comes to our children and as they become adults. To simply give them to God. Pray about the situation, stop worrying about it and give it to God. This truly blesses me because whatever situation I may come to with my children I pray and give it to God. This truly gives me peace! I have and currently am practicing this.
Starting small with prayer can have such a huge impact; here are some examples :
- Bringing prayer to the table before eating.
- Letting the children pray as well
- Let them know that prayer is from your heart, speaking to God as a friend but with respect and reverence.
- Prayer every morning
- Prayer before bed
- Prayer before a big performance or game
- Prayer before traveling
- Departure prayer
Prayer is needed in everything that we do. I think it is important to let our children (and ourselves) know that God hears us. We do not have to be an adult, speak loudly, know the Bible inside and out, be called to ministry, or have this fancy prayer language. If our children are scared, feeling hopeless, or alone he is already there, listening and waiting.
“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20 KJV

A Safe Place
When we think of a safe place it should automatically be home. We think of safety as a physical aspect and we forgot about the emotional and mental safety of home.
We know that this is not always the case for many of us. Some family members may feel safe in their home when others do not and they may live in the same household.
Create an environment where your children or other family members can come to one another freely and respectfully with their thoughts, feelings, and opinions.
I have learned personally and from a conversation with my mother that I should always want my children to be able to come to me if they need to talk or something was on their hearts. I would not want them to hide their feelings or what they are doing from me.

Even if it may upset you, create a space that they feel free to open up and share. It may take some time depending on their personalities but they will eventually start talking.
Some tips:
- Listen, do not interrupt and judge
- Tell them your opinion after they have gotten out their words
- Try not to have alot of facial expressions that make them feel uncomfortable
- Give examples of what you would do
- Give example of what you have done (such as mistakes and lessons)
- Tell them what you prefer for them to do but it is their decision (depending on the age)
- It is ok not to have a opinion or decision right away. Tell them you will think about it and go to God in prayer.
- No one should be called names or teased
- Watch your tone and volume
It is important for children and us as individuals to feel safe to laugh, cry, dress, create, dance, sing, play, or whatever in our homes that makes us whole. As long as it is respectful, pleasing to God, and healthy.
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 NIV

God truly loves each and every one of us! He wants us to have a life of love, safety, peace, joy and so much more. In order to have these things, we must create environments where we are thriving in the knowledge of him and his ways. If our ways do not align with His ways we can not grow ourselves and generations to come. Our children’s, children’s homes depend on it.
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 KJV

This blog post is amazing Mrs. Hope. This post tells me you have spent some resl time with God. It does feel good to have a Godly home that you really feel His presence in. Yes our children are camcorder and tape recorders. So we must watch everything we do and say. But we must also let them see how God can change us too. Thank you for sharing this blog post. Jesus is real. Continued blessing 🙌🏾
Thank you Mrs.Kendra for this wonderful comment and for reading this post! Yes, our children are little tape recorders they watch everything!! Continued Blessings to you too! Thank you for all of your support.