5 Simple Techniques To Save With Coupons When You Do Not Have The Time
I am sure you clicked on this article because you want to save money and learn how to coupon but you can not find the time in the day to coupon, let alone clip a coupon.
I want to share with you that there is Hope! You can save money and not spend a lot of time searching for sales each week.
Couponing is a full-time job! I have to be honest with you!!
I also have to let you know that in the beginning, it does take time to learn the skill. And it could possibly take up a good part of your day at first. But as you begin to learn the process it gets easier and easier. The money that you will save will pay off in the end!!
I was a big couponer years ago and decided to dip my toe back into the couponing game. Little did I realize how much it has changed!!
So even if you do not like to clip coupons, digital coupons are very much in high demand and popular. They are everywhere now, so you do not have to purchase coupon inserts in order to save money.
As a busy Mom juggling many hats, I still like to take advantage of freebies and sales. So I want to share with you the quick tips that I use to get the items for my family and our stockpile.

Learn The Process
- Understand the process and the rules of couponing.
- Learn the couponing policy of each store that you would like to shop at.
- Search YouTube; there as so many great creators and educators that teach how to coupon.
- Find a workshop to attend online/in-person (when it safe to do so)
Follow Great Accounts
Some of my favorite YouTubers that I love to follow are as follows. Some YouTubers have Google docs to print out and help with their coupon breakdowns. This is so helpful when you are short on time!!
- Meeks Coupon Life (Google doc)
- Sisters Saving U Cents (Blog showing matchups)
- Couponing with Star (Google doc)
- Tee Time (Google doc)
There are several more people that I enjoy watching the coupon content that they share, I will come and update this post as I remember them all or find new couponers.

Instagram: I love the breakdowns on IG. They are clear and to the point and I save them if I like them and want to do the same exact scenarios.
- Natalie_saves (Dollar General & Family Dollar matchups)
- hart_0705 (CVS matchups)
- lady_jones14 (Dollar General & Family Dollar matchups)
- dg_savings_with_sanders (Dollar General matchups)
- Citycouponmoms (Dollar General & Family Dollar matchups)
- Dollar General digital couponing
- Dollar General couponing 411
- CouponingDealsAtDollarGeneral
- Couponing at Food Lion
- Moola Saving Mom
- Couponing at Harris Teeter
- Harris Teeter Deals
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Block Out Time
Block out or set aside a specific time that you are going to look over the sales flyers, matchups, or watch YouTube.
Then figure out what deals you are going to do?
Where and when are you going couponing?

When you first start couponing it is REALLY addicting to go couponing every single day and grab every single deal.
While that is fun and exciting! You begin to realize how much time you spent driving, shopping, and matching up your deals and that time could have been spent on another task during your day.
So in order to save time, be sure to be intentional with the deals that you would like to shop for and/or shop for the items you only need.
Use Digital Coupons
One thing that I enjoy using digital coupons. They are easy and convenient without clipping paper inserts and purchasing Sunday paper.
Certainly a time saver!
Ultimate Prepper Pantry Workbook | 37 Pages – How To Build A Prepper Pantry Guide | Emergency Preparedness – Planner – DIGITAL DOWNLOAD

Coupon For A Purpose
When you are new to couponing you may have to build your stockpile. You may feel like you need or what to take advantage of every deal.
If you are limiting on time, only couponing for the items that you need. For example, I started with laundry detergent because we were running out and during the pandemic, it was very difficult to find cleaning supplies and soap. So I stocked up on laundry items, feminine, and dental care.
Once your stock is where you want it to be. You can really limit how much you coupon. It was really addicting to save and shop for ALL of the deals! So my stockpile grew quickly!!

Now that I built my family’s stockpile I don’t have to go out as often, I shop my favorite stores (Only!), and I can share with my family. Now that I don’t go out as often, my continuous drive to keep my stockpile going is helping my family. Also, helping those in need at the end of the year is one of my yearly goals this year.
Although it may seem like you are spending so much time learning, gathering, searching, and watching couponing-related material. It is all worth it in the end!
I really did think that I was wasting my time at the beginning of the year last year learning the new strategies of digital coupons and couponing policies.
It pays off big time! I wasn’t in the store searching for toilet paper, cleaning supplies, or risking my health to go out to get what we needed. I can sit back, relax, and share with my other family members as while.
Happy saving and couponing!