I would have never thought in a thousand years that I and millions of parents around the world would have to figure out how to homeschool our children due to a pandemic.
As all of the parents all over the world, scattered to figure out what to do and the best practices and routines for their children. I certainly did not know where to start. But I knew that I could create a fun and motivating learning environment for my boys and that is what I did.
I created a small space homeschooling learning area for my boys. When I created this space for them I wanted them to have structure and a routine. Most of all take their education at home seriously, and that it is just as important at home as it is in school.

Keep It Simple
Having a simple workspace for the students to work on. Whether it is a kitchen table, a folding dinner table, countertop, coffee table, or an individual office desk.
Search your home
Look around your home for items such as work surfaces to do work.
Baskets or Bins to store school supplies.
Places where you may have stored unused or forgotten school supplies.

Stay organize is the key to less frustration during class time. I found out that when I was organized I didn’t feel lost, tired, and overwhelmed when helping my children with their homeschool/virtual learning.
Have a central location such as folder, to save your login passwords and user names for different class applications.
Use file folders to keep track of paperwork and classwork that needs to be kept in order for easy and fast access.
Keep items that they will need often together. Such as pencil sharpener, pens, pencils, paper and etc.

Re-evaluate your virtual home school space. Does it work for you and your family?
Is it a quiet and well-lit space in your home?
Will everyone is comfortable in space? Is it too comfortable and everyone will be too sleepy.
Do they have everything that they need in their space so they will not have to get up or to study?
Do they have a place to charge their devices and watch their conference meetings on a screen?
With all of the changes of virtual school, hybrid and in-person classes. It is certainly going to be a change for all of the students and parents.
Having a simple, well thought out and simple virtual home school learning space is probably the only thing that we can control during this time.
Letting the creativity flow to create your own space, bringing in the items that you love and need. Will get you off to a successful start of the school year!!