How To Deal With
Negativity On Social Media
Where do I begin?!? As our vast world of technology grows, so does everyone opinions and voices become louder. Which is a positive impact of social media, because we are not silenced in the shadows of someone that may be a higher status, richer or a celebrity.
Although on the other hand, our constantly growing world of uses of social media has cast a shadow of negativity. People behind a computer screen thinking that they know everything about you based on what you care to share. Very much have a negative effect of social media physically and mentally on your body and overall health.
They do not know the why’s or the how’s!
The struggle that got you to that triumph in your life. Whether you are a social media influencer or casual social media browser. We all deal with the positives and negatives in some way shape or form. Let’s
Ignore it!!
It is tough I know! I wanted to lash out and call them every name in the book!! What is that going to do…absolutely nothing. Yeah, I felt better for a short time. But what I ended up doing was stooping to their level. Why waste time and energy on something or someone that will not help you elevate you to your next level. Exactly so let’s move on!
Take A Social Break
I always feel like it is so important to take a break with social media, period. Some people call it a social media detox. If you have to take breaks daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly do what is best for you. If you feel drained, depressed, have anxiety about it. It may be time to take a break.
For some, it may be best to post and then walk away. Come back later and respond/reply to comments. I heard that this is a big NO, NO! A lot of creators, bloggers, online business owners like to be present after they post. Do what is best for you! And your audience!
I like to put my phone down afterward because sometimes posting can take 15-25 minutes and for me, I am usually in the middle of something with my children. I do not want to miss out because I was posting to Instagram for example.
If you like to be present right after posting just schedule your time to post and reply to comments so that it is apart of day.
Do Not Take It Personally
Depending on your personality this may take some time to adjust to. At first, every little thing that was said bothered me. Until I realized that the person that made the comment does not even know me. No matter how many videos or posts that I may share, it is only a snippet of my life.
Their opinions do not change who I am or the person that God created me to do. So why does that negative person’s opinion matter? It does not!
Find A Positive Friendship
Well, we all hope we have positive people in our lives that we can talk and vent to with just about anything. For me, it is my husband and mother that I can talk to about anything. I recently told my husband that they both were my life coaches. LOL!
They keep me going! They pep me up! They help me fend off the naysayers.
Find someone that is positive in your life to keep your focus and motivated. It would be a family member, close friend, teacher, your children, or a mentor. Mentors are very helpful because they have walked the journey of where you are trying to go.
They do not have to know they are your mentor…or they can if you would like. For me it is just watching and listening to them inspires me to continue on my journey.
Other Creators Negativity
Deep Sigh! Although our world of social media creators is such a beautiful thing. We learn, grow, support and nurture one another is a positive impact on social media and each other to help combat the negatives effects of social media. Is a wonderful thing!
Nevertheless, the shade, copying, and competition can be downright brutal.
Always put in perspective of WHO YOU ARE!! Regardless of what may have been said and who said it DOES NOT MATTER! IT DOES NOT DEFINE YOU!
It affected them enough to make a response….they admired your work they thought they would try it too….and the only competition that we should have is with ourselves.
Do not take it personally! Try your best not to do these things yourself. Surround yourself with creators that are supportive and positive.
Do Not Give Them The Power
Sometimes the negativity is given to get attention or a reaction. It is so easy to react! It is only natural to want to defend yourself or tell why something was done a certain way.
I learned the best thing to do is to not give them the power. No reaction! No Response!
Do not give them the satisfaction of your time.
If they want the attention they can simply create their own channel, page or blog and get it there. Do not give them attention or power on something that belongs to YOU!
Report It!
If it is abusive and/or is bully behavior just simply Report It!
Whatever platform you may be on. Report It and Block Them!! I have no tolerance for negativity in my everyday life and social media will certainly not do the same. I mention this in another blog post: YouTuber Insider Secrets that I will block, delete in a heartbeat. For me it not about the numbers, it is about having a positive creative space to build relationships with like-minded people.
In other words, I do not have time for foolishness and you certainly should not allow that in your space.
Furthermore, social media has a huge impact on our world, culture, society, and generation today. We rely on it to communicate, learn and build relationships with one another. The uses of social media as so many positive impacts that sometimes those positives are overshadowed by the negative effects of it.
Remembering to ignore, taking breaks, not taking it personally, finding positive friendships, blocking out other social influencers negativity, not giving them the power and report it any abusive behavior will keep you in a positive space.
And Always, Always give it to God and Pray! Keep your head up…Your Going To A Higher Level!