I have read the Bible off and on for many years. I would have goals to read the Bible in a year or go deeper into God’s Word and quickly fall off and not be consistent. It was not until this year, that I had a desire to learn more about God’s Word.
For me, I was tired of hearing the stories or scriptures in the Bible that preachers or other people that were knowledgeable in knowing the Bible and I had no clue what story they were referring to. I knew several scriptures and stories from Sunday School but I wanted to know it ALL for myself!!
I want to share with you some of the things that I do as a beginner, studying the Bible daily.
First of all, just start small! At first, I thought I had to read all of these chapters at one time. As if I was going to receive a badge or a special place with Jesus because I read all of these chapters or scriptures in a day.
What I realized is that if you can not retain the information that was read it may take longer to take root in my spirit and comprehend.
God’s Word is All-Mighty and even if you may not have fully understood what you have read. I still believe that it takes effect…in your heart and mind.

Once this is repeated and comprehended, that is when it starts to change your mind and heart.
My new favorite scripture is Romans 12:2 KJV; And is not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
As you read God’s Word more and more. Things in the Bible will be revealed to you. Your mind, heart, and eyes will be opened and renewed like never before.
For me, it has only been several months but years of knowing bits and pieces; it is all starting to make come together. I can not wait to learn more and grow deeper.
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Let me share some things that I use or do to help study the Bible as a beginner
- Be sure to set aside a block of time each day. Once you set that time aside each day, it will become a rountine. The more time you spend with him and in God’s Word the more you will yearn to do so.
- A Good Bible – I like a Bible with large print and a sturdy cover. But that doesn’t matter as long as you read the Word. That is what matters!
- Different Translations – Having a Bible with different translations is a tool to have. I currently have the King James Version and the New International Version Bibles. Having the original verison and a version that you can understand is helpful. Although be careful with other translations and that it doesn’t change the original version meanings.

- The Bible App – The Bible app is helpful with scirptures, video messages, reading plans and more. I love that the Bible app has many translations at a click of the button. The app also has a feature that reads the Bible aloud to you. This is what I started with, and it was really helpful. Especially if I am reading a chapter with a lot of Bible names and places. Lol!
- As time went on I enjoy reading for myself. It gives me a deeper understanding. But do what is best for you at first and continue reading his Word.
- A Bible Dictionary and Concordance is very helpful when you need to break down a word or to get a further understanding of something in the Bible. I do not have a separate one as of yet but until I purchase one, there is ususally one in the back of the Bible that you may have from the one you have already purchased.
- Look up those words that you are not familiar with.
- A Journal – A good journal is wonderful for so many things. Use your journal to write down Bible notes, scriptures, sermon notes, prayers, goals, affirmations and daily memories. You may want a separate journal for some things but for me right now I keep everything all in one place.
- Writing a Summary of what I have read. This really blesses me! Writing down what stood out to me in the passages of the Bible and writing what I got from the reading. As I am writing down my thoughts…God shows me more revealtions of things that I never really thought about before and during my reading. Write down what you have recieved from the Word of God after you read. It will truly bless you and stick with you!

- Slow down, re-read it again and again. I mentioned this earlier but slowing down and re-reading the chapter, passage, scirpture or words help with the comprehension and the translation of the meaning of what you have read. This has helped me so, so much!! Slow down, read it again and again. It will Bless you!!
- Highlighters are great to highlight passages that you want to remember or that really spoke to you. I use Mildliners (it just so happened to be what I had already) and they are great because they do not bleed through the pages. I recently found out about Bible pens, check those out as well. Maybe soon I will add them to my collection.
- Using note cards. Notecards are great to write down scirptures and passages that you want to take along with you during the day. Notecards are small and they can be taken with you in your pockets, hangbags or gym bags. They are a great tool to help you study, meditiate and memorize references in the Bible.
- Look up what you may be struggling with. In the Bible app there is an area where you can search what you may be going through and it will give you scirptures to help you work through it. For example: saddness, loneliness, anger, sickness or etc.
- Devotionals – There are hundreds of devotionals out there, especially free ones. Find one that works for you! Joyce Meyer Ministries has one called 30/30 challenge with lots of tips and videos in them.
- Other Supplies – Mini post it notes, bookmarks and a good writing ink pen is a MUST! I have alot of pens and bookmarks. They are great to help me find my place that I have left off; especially if I am reading more than one Book of the Bible at a time.

- Finding Ministers, Mentors and Pastors that really know the Word and help you understand the Word. This can be challenging if you do not know much yourself. What I found helpful is really listening and paying attention to what they teachers/minister say. If they contradict or really live by what they say. If you are still unsure, pray about it and God will let you know. When they preach the Word do they also Teach! That is helpful! (You may have to find several different people that you really learn from.)
- I enjoy listening to: Bishop T.D. Jakes, Joyce Meyer, Tony Evans or others.
- Places to buy Bibles and other tools – Amazon has so many options! Walmart and Sams Club is where I found my Bibles and journal but you can find them anywhere. Ollie’s is a great place as well on a budget. Joyce Meyer has many learning aids and books that help with learning the Bible. I want to purchase the study guides of Proverbs and Ephesians soon.
- Find a good Study guide, book or Bibles. Last year I purchased the Bible Study by The Brand Sunday. I enjoy the questions that are asked, the history and genealogy that they give in the study books; for deeper understanding
- Watching movies – I think a great way to understand the Bible and different stories is watching Bible stories. Although this is a great way of entertainment and to learn. Reading the Bible and its’ translation is important, just in case the movie version is filmed differently. Just keep that in mind when watching a Bibical film and compare it to the Bible. My family has found several movies on YouTube through the Vision Video.
- Studying with others – Finding a group to study the Bible with is helpful and grow deeper into the knowledge of Christ. Hearing others prespectives and interpretations can an eye opener.
These are just some of the ways that help me as a beginner studying the Bible and learning more each day. There is not a perfect way and do not let someone make you feel that you have to study and learn as they learn. God sees and knows your heart. He sees that you are trying and as long as put some effort in he sees you.
As you grow and learn in the Word and Christ you will have a yearning to want to read and learn more. The Word of God will transform you and your mindset. A true blessing and gift that we overlook that have been here for centuries. Enjoy, it will bless you!