Teaching our children about God is so important to strengthen their love and faith for themselves and others as they begin to grow and develop. Having three boys I wanted them to know about who God is for their soul’s sake. But also to know we always have someone that we can depend on and run to when we feel like the entire World has let us down.
I had so many moments when I felt alone, sad, afraid, and let down. I think we all have!
Nevertheless, I learned from my Mother, Father, and my church community that God will never leave you or forsake you. Even in your darkest hour! And we ALL NEED THAT!!
We need to know where our help and source of everything comes from God!
So it is so important to teach our children about Him, as they are growing up in this World. Knowing about him does not take all of our troubles away but teaching our children about God and His Word helps us through the obstacles of life.
I learned about God, Jesus, and the Bible through hearing my parents and grandparents talk. Also going to Sunday School and Church…I think a lot of us are introduced to our faith this way. And then our curious minds begin to wonder and ask questions.
I want to share with you some of the ways that I have introduced and taught my children about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and The Bible.
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Kids Bible
I remember receiving my first childrens bible with illustrations around the 3rd or 4th grade. I recall it was given to us by our Bishop. She would always give us wonderful gifts and all the children received one. We still have that book today! In that same book, my husband and I made our oldest son write mini book reports on the chapters.
We did this because he needed more practice with comprehension and writing. Over time he was learning the stories of the Bible. This was one of those good parenting mistakes! Those things that you didn’t realize that we’re making a huge impact in their lives in more than one way.
One Christmas around the same time (third or fourth grade), my Mother purchased a children mini (but a good size) Bible for my Brother and I with our names engraved on them. It was so nice! We had a store at the time called, “The Sign of the Fish”.
I really enjoyed going to this store even as a kid and teenager. The store is no longer open but at the time you could get so many beautiful Bibles engraved.

I enjoyed flipping to the illustrations throughout the childdrens Bible.
Purchasing children and teen Bibles for my boys have been a great tool to introduce them to the Word of God.
Although this is a great way of teaching our/your children about God. Be mindful that the stories in the children’s Bibles may not be in the same context as the original version of the Bible is written.
I have always been warned of this but did not realize this until I started reading, learning, and studying the Bible for myself. Boy was I surprised!
But please do not let that hinder you from get one for you children (always cross reference).

The Beginner’s Bible: Timeless Children’s Stories
Sunday School
Sunday school is really helpful for your child to learn about their faith. I learned so much! I am grateful for my parents taking us, looking back on it now. Although at the time…not so much. Some Sundays after class we had to do a recap on what we learned.
Everyone would gather from all of the different age groups (preschool, children, teen, women, and men’s classes) and talk about what they went over in class. I enjoyed hearing from the other classes but it was a little nerve wreaking to learn the information and get a summary together to speak in front of everyone as a child.

Although this made me nervous at times, it really taught me early how to speak in front of an audience, summarize what I have learned, and overcome fear.
I remember once we were short of a Vacation Bible school teachers one Summer. I was able to stand before the class and teach them at 18 year old. Now I look back on how and the world did I do that?!
I just mirrored what I saw and taught!
Look at God!
Sunday school was had fun!
Lessons learned in Sunday School
- Learned interesting stories and how they applied to our lives.
- Talking about our day-to-day struggles as we got older in the young adult classes.
- Leadership skills and accountablity
- Memorizing scriptures (that I will never forget)
- Showing love, kindness and respect to others
Today there are Opportunities for Sunday School classes online. Check them out to see if the ones that you come across, align with your faith and beliefs.

Watch Bible Children Stories
Bible Children’s stories/movies are a great way to learn about the Bible. The stories/movies could be more appealing to short attention spans with little ones. All of the interesting dress attire, bright colors, and miraculous stories will grab the attention of any little curious mind.
There are all different types of bible movies or short films out there. One of our family favorites growing up was the Ten Commandments (we even had the VHS cassette tape). We would watch this every Easter after church, I know this movie backwards and forwards.
Check out YouTube for any channels that may become your favorite. Here are some that we have watched and enjoyed.
I would note that some of the movies may show things a little different than what is actually written in the Bible. It is always best to read the Word of God first and then compare so that you know the true version versus what is shown in a movie/show.
It could be best to watch the movie first before showing the children or stop the movie and explain what is going on throughout it.
For example: In the movie Ten Commandments I thought that the Red Sea was parted instantly but reading in the Word that it took all that night to part. I know, I know! It may not matter to some but I found that interesting.
And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the Lord caused the seas to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided. Exodus 14:21 KJV
Just use your discernment when picking and choose what movies/shows/channels to watch.

Have Talks About God
Have talks about God with your children. Bring him up in conversations casually but not forcefully at first. Let me explain… when we first become saved or come into the true acknowledgment of Christ we want to talk about God all the time to anyone and everyone. AND WE SHOULD!!
Although with our children when they are just trying to come to us to talk they may want to hear us and not a bunch of stuff they do not know about, just yet. That is why it is important for us to share God often so when they are in trouble it doesn’t seem shoved down their throat. This way they will not associate being in trouble means I am in trouble with God as well and they turn away from him instead of going towards him.
It can be difficult to do this, I know! But try to put yourself in their shoes when you were their age.

Teach them that God wants you to go to him in times of good, bad, and just because.
One thing that my Mom taught me, that her Grandmother taught her was to never be afraid. My Mom was scared about being in the dark in the country. My great-grandmother and great-grandfather lived in the country in Elbee NC. During that time they had no street lights so it was dark. My Mom said it was so dark you couldn’t see your hand in front of your face.
My Great grandmother told her, “To never be afraid for God is Always with her”. This stuck with her and she passed it down to us. Whenever I get afraid I always remember this.

Pray Together
It is so important to have a prayer life at any age. And sometimes we tend to think that prayer is only for adults and that is not true at all.
Our children should know that it is important to pray and it does not have to be difficult. Talk to him just like a friend, especially when we a lost for words. Pray daily, if not often, not just when we are in trouble.
- Giving God Thanks (Any and everything that their hearts can think of)
- Forgiveness of Sins
- For Others (The World issues, homeless, abused, family, friends, church and etc.)
- Their Desires (It ok to leave our desire out sometimes)
- Ending : In Jesus Name We Pray, Amen!
Simple! It doesn’t have to be long or loud like others we may have seen on TV or a church. Our children should know that he hears us. Always!

Share Your Testimony
At the time I didn’t realize if I was doing the right thing or not but I always wanted to be honest with my children. I shared with them my mistakes and the things that I wish I never did because it made it difficult for me in the present/future.
Let me tell you one thing!
It was uncomfortable, very uncomfortable.
But telling my children that I was a teen mom and the mistakes that I made before and after produced some challenges in my life that I still have today. Those challenges now are what my children can somewhat see and that is what I want them to see.
I want them to see the realness! The reason why I want to keep them from doing certain things. Not to hurt or harm them but because I have their best interest at heart.
Sharing your testimony/things that you have done also lets your children know that you are not perfect and will make mistakes. And they will make mistakes as well and it is ok!

They will feel like they can come to you with their situation. Even if you don’t want to hear it and it may be uncomfortable to you…but they will come.
Just like they can come to you with any situation; teaching them about God and how he ALWAYS wants us and our children to come to him and do the same. Always!!
He knows that we are not perfect, so we should teach our children that God will always have our backs no matter what we may have done.
Take Them To Church
The church is normally the first introduction to God. We learn about God in Sunday school, Bible Study, choir, and the sermon. We learned how to act, dress, respect the sanctuary and the leaders. It is a wonderful foundation that we all should have and especially as a child.
In church, you learn how to serve, lead, and follow. These are wonderful qualities to learn at an early age. With these qualities, you can take them out to the world and show them true Christian behavior. The light on the inside of you will radiate and someone else will wonder what is that they have because I want it too. Bringing more followers to Jesus!
The church is more than just a building, it lays a solid foundation that stays with that child for a lifetime. This is why it is important to attend a church that has leaders and members that truly follow Christ and his principles. Not a church that goes by these rules and teachings that do not align with the Word of God.

When my family was looking for a church home years ago. We visited several churches and I remember my parents even asking us what did we think? How did we feel about the church?
I love that my parents asked our opinions because it was important that we as well felt loved, comfortable, and respected at the church as well. We came to a joint agreement on the same church. This is important!!
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 KJV
Have a Relationship With God
Having a relationship with God is one of the most overlooked and underestimated things that we failed to teach ourselves let alone our children. Having a relationship with God is everything!!
I mean everything!
And it is simple.
- Talk to him just like a friend but with reverence.
- Mediate on him (think about him and the Word of God throughout your Day)
- Ask him what you should do, go and say throughout your day.
- Tell him Thank you for your blessings. (big or small)
- Ask him to change your attitude about a situation when you see it going downhill.
- If you are sad, angry, jealous tell him to help you with the feelings/emotions
and so on!
Teaching our children to have a relationship with God will help them know that they are not alone in the World. That God always has our backs even when it seems like we have no one to depend on.
There will be moments in their lives when they may be surrounded by so much love but they will feel like their world is crumbling and no one understands them. That is why they /we should know they are not alone. And to never give up on themselves/ourselves!
I often have to remind my children when they are upset or sad and that’s ok. We as parents are their guides until one day they will remember for themselves; I will go to God first and foremost.

Bible Study and Daily Devotions Together
Having daily devotions and/or Bible study together is a great way to learn more about God and his Word. There are so many different ways you can do this here are a few examples:
- Find a daily devotional book such as the Daily Bread (booklet or app) every one can follow along, read together and discuss
- Purchase a devotional book from Amazon, Audible or take a trip to Barnes and Noble as a family (or bookstore)
- Schedule a weekly, biweekly and monthly Bible study session with immediate and/or extended family
- Attend Bible study at church or online together
- Study the Sunday sermon together for deeper understanding that week.
- Play a Bible triva game or create your own.
Keep a habit tracker and reward the family when it is completed. Create little awards or certificates for learning new knowledge. Incorporate worksheets, drawings, or journaling; for little creative minds would enjoy letting their imagination just go. Maybe serving little snacks or finger foods…anytime there is food my family is down for it.
Get creative and make it fun!
God blessed us with children for many different reasons but the main reason is to teach them about Him, his ways, and his love.
It is our duty to raise our children the best way we can through God’s grace. Although it would be a deservice to them, ourselves, the future and God to not teach them. Start small and simple and build your way up. You will be surprise how much it impacts their lives!