Returning to school as a Mom is rewarding, fun, and inspiring. Sharing a Mom’s guide to successfully going back to college: practical tips for a seamless transition. Although once all of the assignments begin to roll in, daily responsibilities happen, and kids may have to stay out of school, the overwhelm can be much. I want to share tips on how to go back to school as a mom with you.
Things may get hectic, especially around exam time, but make sure to PUT GOD FIRST. Pray throughout your day. Get up earlier to read your Bible.
Suppose getting up early is too much when you have already stayed late working on a project or studying. Take the time to find a devotional and meditate on that scripture throughout the day. Be sure to apply that scripture to your DAY and LIFE. (BONUS: Re-read that devotional again if you can’t recall it later in the day; rereading it helps with what you have read to get down in your spirit and heart and truly make a difference in your life).

As a Mother with so many responsibilities, if you are a full-time, part-time, or stay-at-home Mom, juggling a full-time load of classes could be a breeze for you or just too much.
Start with a few classes if you are unsure how many to take. Don’t get caught up in how long it will take you to complete your program. Time will fly by, and graduation will be here before you know it. In addition, do not be nervous about adding more classes to your schedule if you can handle more of your schedule.

Be sure to ask questions! Sometimes, I noticed that the younger generations are not quick to ask questions. And they are probably grateful that you asked, the question. Try not to feel bad for asking too many questions or questions at all.
Sometimes, it may take us longer to grab hold of information, which is okay. But once we understand that information, we can take it and apply it to our life experiences, and that will help us learn and retain the information more.
Contact your instructor via email or during office hours for help or questions. If something is fuzzy or unclear, utilize your instructor for additional help. This is vital when it is something that you don’t quite understand. Getting that one-on-one help or asking your question builds confidence and reassurance of understanding the material and getting a great grade.

Having a planner, digital calendar, or calendar on the wall is a must. Color coding assignments for each class can help recognize what is due. Prioritize tasks and allocate time based on their importance and deadlines.

Take breaks whenever you are doing assignments, studying, reading, or projects. Decide how long you want to work on your schoolwork and how long you want to take a break. Set a timer during this time. This will help you remain more focused.
Taking a break will help feel refreshed and help you see the finish line of completing your assignment or projects.

Understand that there will be unexpected challenges. Be adaptable and adjust your schedule accordingly. Learn to say no to additional commitments if they jeopardize your academic success or family time.
Do not get frustrated if you have to stop and start what task you are doing to attend to a family member, appointment, or unexpected circumstance. Trust me! I had to learn to be flexible and sometimes drop what I was doing because someone needed to be picked up, got sick, forgot their lunch or the car broke down, etc.
I also learned that my children will not be little forever (having kiddos with a big age gap will make you aware), and I will miss those busy days of them calling on me.
Create boundaries for your class and study time, and schoolwork. Once you create those boundaries, your family will notice and respect them.
Do not give up! It may get challenging, and the work may seem a little overwhelming, especially in the Interior Design and Architecture major.
Remember your WHY!! Why did you want to start going back to college?
Why did you want your degree?
Why did you choose that particular major?
Is it your passion?
Is it your God-given gift?
Is it something that you want to do?
It is something trying to hold you back?
If so that means you need to apply more pressure and keep showing up and going!! And Pray for strength to endure!

Plan ahead for your assignments, projects, family events, things to do, etc. This is something that I have to work on when it comes to having all of my assignments turned in or done before the weekend the majority of the time. That way, spending time with extended family doesn’t conflict with your work assignments.
Create a realistic schedule; develop a weekly schedule for the time dedicated to school work, study time, if you have to stay after class and family commitments.
For example, last year, during the spring semester, my family and I were able to go to Walt Disney for my birthday. It worked out great because I did not have a Monday and Friday class. This just so happened to work out great! And it allowed more days for our trip. Waiting for the Summer or Spring Break was not ideal for us due to the heat and crowds (it was still crowded in February, who would have thought, but the weather was awesome!!)
I have an entire playlist of our Disney Trip here and how we packed our trip and our Disney park bags.
Be sure to plan ahead! Make sure you don’t have any tests, projects, assignments due, or lectures to attend. You do not want to miss class and you are totally lost. Be sure to work on assignments ahead of time, turn them in, and let your instructor know if you are going to miss class. Take your books, work, and laptop with you to complete any work that has to be done before the due dates.

This Spring 2024 semester, I wouldn’t be able to miss a class. The courses are a bit more challenging, so keep that in mind when planning life events around class.
Be sure to meal plan, create a chore/household routine, plan when you will have exercise, and lay out your (and small children’s) clothes for the week. Depending on your household responsibilities, schedule and write out your bills, dates, and car maintenance.
When we are busy with meeting deadlines for assignments and projects (especially in the Interior Design major), things can be forgotten. Having more stress of forgetting these things can lead to a ripple effect. Plan on Sundays or the best day that works for you.

It can be tempting to do the easiest task first. Although when you have many assignments due, I found it best to do what is due first. Because if you are not careful, that assignment or project could take longer than expected. Then, that assignment may get behind or late. Work on what is due first!

As Mothers, we are juggling so many tasks! Adding more things to your plate can take self-care out the window. While you are in College, take care of yourself, such as your mind, spirit, health, hair, nails, feet, clothing, etc.
Find a simple hairstyle that will carry you from day to day and week to week. Read your Bible daily and pray! Ride in the car in complete silence. Go to bed early. Sit outside on the porch and get some fresh air. Take a walk at the park, around the neighborhood, or on the treadmill. You will be amazed at how wonderful you will feel! Journal! Limit social media this will allow for more time to do your assignments and get them out of the way. Giving you more time to spend with your family or work on a hobby that you enjoy.
Make sure to get enough sleep, rest, exercise, and maintain a healthy diet. These things may seem like common sense to do. Although with school work and priorities in life, it is easy to get burnt out of school, reaching your goals and everything around you. Getting sleep, rest, exercise, and eating healthy will reenergize your thinking of why you started school in the first place.

When you have a chance between assignments and classes, try to do housework in the margins, for example, washing/folding clothes, vacuuming the floors, washing dishes, etc. Most days, I had time to throw some clothes in the washing machine before school started for myself or my son, after school, or before carpool. Adding dishes to the dishwasher between study or homework breaks.
Doing things between the margins really adds up! It also doesn’t make everything seem mundane. Giving you a break from schoolwork and day-to-day responsibilities makes a huge difference.

Going back to school takes up more time and energy towards school work and study time. Outsourcing tasks if you can, such as house cleaning, taking clothes to the cleaners, going to the hair salon, getting your groceries delivered, and asking a family member or friend to watch the kids allows more time to study and do assignments.

Whether it is school work, studying, or projects. Doing a little at a time would certainly add up and take the stress out when finals come around, and it seems like everything is due around the same time.
Planning out a little each day by writing out what needs to be done and placing them in order of task of completion. Break down larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks. This is extremely helpful in not feeling overwhelmed and stressed during final exams or projects at the end of the semester.

Taking some time out to be prepared for class or an emergency will make feel more relaxed and ready to take on the day. Having an extra pair of clothes or a jacket in the car would be helpful. I can’t tell you how many times the classrooms are freezing cold, and having some warmth would definitely help with concentration and focusing during those times.
Having an extra pair of clothing in your car would be ideal in any emergency. I share in my CAR ORGANIZATION POST AND VIDEO how I always keep a backup in my car. This may seem like it is just too much, but having to go home when you have an important lecture or presentation that day, having an extra pair of clothing in the car would be a lifesaver.
Having water (water bottle), hard candy, and chewing gum would certainly be helpful. I can’t tell you how many times water has saved me from coughing in class. I am not sure how true it is, but my husband seems to think that peppermint hard candy is helpful with concentration and remembering study material. I think he is right!

Plan family time. Be sure to schedule dedicated family time to ensure a healthy work-life balance. Be sure to carve time for date nights, family special events, and celebrations. This was very important for me as a mom going back to school. I know all too well that time flies! Children grow up so quickly! I didn’t want to lose time with my family studying or spending hours doing class projects/assignments.
I know this may seem odd, but getting out of school as quickly as possible is a huge priority for some. Although for me, after reading the Bible and the book The Promise Driven Life. I concluded that completing my schooling would be a huge accomplishment for me, but not missing out on time that I can not get back is very important to me.
This may vary from person to person. You may want to knock out those courses, graduate, and find a career so that you may have more time with your family. It just all depends on your goals.

When it gets challenging, life is difficult to juggle, remembering why you started and your WHY. Whether you have to write down the goals in a journal or phone and refer to them often. Or thinking back on all of the times that you have wanted to go back to school or may have stopped and started again. Remembering your goals and the reason why it may be difficult at the moment, but knowing what you want to achieve will help you stay focused and motivated.
Keep your study space organized to minimize distractions and maximize efficiency. Use tools like to-do lists and project management apps to stay on top of assignments. Find a designated space for studying and doing assignments, whether it is at the kitchen table, foldable table/desk, basket, or rolling cart to house books and supplies. Make sure you have a space to work.
Pack your backpack ahead of time or the night before. This way you will not forget something. As an interior design student, making sure that you have everything that you need for class is SO SO IMPORTANT!! You don’t want to forget a project that took you all weekend to complete, a floorplan that you needed to continue to work on during class, or a computer mouse for your design software class.
Really frustrating!
I’ve seen it happen, and it isn’t fun!

Consider financial aid options, scholarships, or part-time work opportunities to ease financial burdens. Be sure to apply even if you are unsure if you qualify to apply anyway. Explore childcare options that fit your schedule and budget. As an interior design student, the supplies are quite expensive when they all add up. Qualifying for an unexpected grant is a huge plus, and every little bit counts.

Connect with other moms or adult learners who are going through similar experiences. Share tips and provide support for each other. You would be surprised how their tips will help you succeed and improve your college success. For example what supplies, or tools they use, what instructors to take, and whether is it best to take the class in-person or virtually.
Be sure to give guidance to those coming behind you! Advise them on what helped you to complete the class or program.
I understand that we as Mothers have a fun schedule. Nevertheless, try to attend a club meeting or event once a month or every other month. As an Interior Design student, we have monthly ASID (American Society Of Interior Designers) meetings and/or events to attend. Plan to attend the event if it doesn’t conflict with other responsibilities and assignments. If you have a class field trip be sure to attend!
My first semester I attended the meetings but lately, I have been slack (due to not having a class on those dates for the meeting). Although I leave those meetings and events SOOOO inspired!! It helps me remember my WHY!!
Be sure to participate! Give to the donation drives. See what your college has going on. If it is a career fair, try to attend a few to see what to expect when it is time to graduate.
What I love about my school is that they have resources for students who may need food, childcare, laptops, tutoring, hotspots, support, and more. Be sure to read emails or posts around the school to participate (to give).