14 days of an in-home Coronavirus quarantine can seem a little too much to handle mentally and physically. At first, it may seem all fun and games until we all start to have a little cabin fever and staying in the house seems to feel like we are trapped in our house.
I really enjoy staying at home. That is just the introvert in me. So I thought of all of the things I wished I had time to do at home.
Here are 50+ things that you can do while you are at home during the at-home Coronavirus quarantine.
- Spend time with your family
- Try a new recipe
- Binge watch a new TV series (ex. Try Good Girls or Greys Anatomy)
- Read a Book
- Clean a room in your home (if you feeling up to it)
- Have a Bible study session
- Watch YouTube
- Start scrapbooking, learn how-to on YouTube
- Journal how you are feeling
- Start an online business (ex. Blogging, YouTube, Poshmark, eBay)
- Knit a blanket
- Start Paper Planning (search on YouTube for the Happy Planner or Erin Condren)
- Search on Pinterest for a NEW Home Project to do
- Bake cookies or a cake with your family
- Listen to the Music
- Start a YouTube channel
- Play a board game
- Shop online
- Complete Surveys Online (join an affiliate insert)
- Start listening to a New Podcast
- Put a puzzle together
- Complete a Crossword search
- Play video games
- Write out family recipes and put them in a Notebook
- Watch Movies
- Sit on the porch
- Listen to an inspirational sermon (My Fav is Bishop T.D. Jakes)
- Do some Laundry
- Organize a drawer
- Clean out your email inbox
- Shred extra paperwork and mail
- Take a nice and long bubble bath
- Give yourself a facial
- Talk about your goals and dreams with your family
- Call a long-distance family member
- Write an e-book or book
- Do something you are always putting off: Living Will, or adding New Life insurance policy
- Paint your nails
- Make a list of home projects to do
- Create a business plan
- Learn a new language
- Organize your phone ex. Add contacts with pictures and specific ringtones for different contacts numbers
- Visually redecorate a room (use Pinterest and add them to document in Canva)
- Give yourself a pedicure
- Deep condition your hair
- Sit in silence without your phone, TV or computer
- Take a new course online
- Make a craft (Pull out your Cricket or Silhouette and start crafting)
- Write a letter
- Take a nap or just relax
- Learn how to sew
- Work out (if you are feeling up to it)
- Organize your family photos
- Declutter your home
- Play Uno
- Complete a Craft or project with the kids
- Pick up a new hobby
I pray that you and your family remain healthy, safe and happy during this stressful and questionable time during this coronavirus quarantine. I hope this list brings you Hope and peace inside your home with your family.